Tuesday, September 8, 2009

2012 Alert

With the 2012 coming fast upon us all. We need to consider what this year may have in store for us. Their has been much talk on the Internet www.2012foretold.com About the year and the prophecy that surrounds it. The Mayans and their calender, Nostradamus, as well as Edgar Cayce. With this many seers and prophecy, its makes one think that their may be sometime to this. And if so what to do? How to prepare? These are some of the things we should discuss here. Even the History Channel www.history.com has just started a weekly series on this topic. I ask that community share insights into this major topic here, lets learn and survive 2012.

1 comment:

  1. I will be reading everything I can on this, has anyone read the book that the movie is based on ??? What is the movie about ?
